Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Was WTC7 the "Cover-Story" for Unconventional Demolition of WTC1 and WTC2?

WTC7 serves as a beautiful official cover-story. Thus, at the official propaganda level, gov't officials could point to WTC7 and say "see-- another large steel-framed skyscraper completely collapsed from structural damage and fire."

WTC7 also serves as a perfect limited hang-out for covering-up the unconventional demolition of WTC1 and WTC2. Thus, at the limited hangout propaganda level, gov't moles/disinfo agents could point to WTC7 and say "see-- this building was clearly brought down by standard controlled demolition-- that must be what happened for WTC1 and WTC2."

I think the evidence strongly supports the idea that WTC1 and WTC2 were brought down by high-tech unconventional weapons (e.g. Star Wars-type beam weapon devices), and that a major goal of the 9/11 perpetrators and their disinfo agents is to keep this covered up at all costs.

Moreover, I think it is likely that WTC7 was brought down in a more standard controlled demolition fashion-- and in a manner for EVERYONE to see-- precisely to serve as a cover-story for the WTC towers.


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