Saturday, July 05, 2008

Seven "Solved"!!!

The final mystery of 9/11 will soon be solved, according to US experts investigating the collapse of the third tower at the World Trade Center.

The FINAL mystery? Puh-leeze.

SOLVED? Somehow I think their definition of solved is different than mine.

This part is funny:
With no steel from Tower 7 to study, investigators have instead made four extremely complex computer models worked out to the finest detail.

No steel? No problem!!! They can use their highly rigged computer models to explain everything!

Because they sure don't want to be forced to explain "steel members in the debris pile that appear to have been partly evaporated in extraordinarily high temperatures".

So, definitely, it was a good thing that "all of the thousands of tonnes of steel from the skyscraper were taken away to be melted down."

Because, if there's no evidence, then clearly there's no crime!!!