Sunday, December 28, 2008

Video of WTC7 Shortly Before It Came Down

Friday, December 26, 2008

Plans in Place for Taking WTC7 Down

Newly uncovered video from 9/11 featuring an interview with FDNY lieutenant David Rastuccio on MSNBC confirms that there was a plan to deliberately demolish WTC Building 7, as was originally indicated in Larry Silverstein’s infamous statement on the PBS documentary, America Rebuilds.

In the clip, Rastuccio responds to the host’s statement that “You guys knew this was coming all day,” by stating, “We had first reports that the building was unstable and that it was best for it to come down on its own or it would be taken down, I would imagine that it came down on its own.”

Though Rastuccio expresses his opinion that the building had collapsed without the aid of explosives, he admits that a plan had been in place to deliberately demolish the structure.

Saturday, December 06, 2008

New Views of WTC7 Damage

Good views of the amazingly long straight gash and new views of the damage to the very top. Not clear what all the white sections are. In some places, the white segments appear to be white sheets or curtains in the windows, in other places, not so clear.

Screen shots (click to enlarge):

The undamaged tower-- south face-- those white panels are there at the top:

4:50 or so-- is that really NYC in the background, with large concrete grain silos and a dark brick factory???